Business performances are often presented in reports, and reports are usually filled with charts, graphs, figures, and tables. The concentrated information portrays a snapshot of the business condition throughout a period of time. However, the information has a history and is followed by speculations and expectations. A presentation of business reports involves elaborating on various elements of the report – such as numbers and figures -, and arriving at a conclusion that may lead to a decision regarding future plans or actions.
Note 1: The words listed below are mostly used as verbs in the examples provided in this post. Nonetheless, most can also be used as nouns and some as adjectives as well.
Note 2: The example provided here are independent of each other, but all these words can be used to describe a single chart, figure, or table. You may practice using them in the tasks below.
Decrease |
Drop |
Fall |
Increase |
Lengthen |
Lower |
Plummet |
Reduce |
Rise |
Shorten |
Example: Lotus Trading has been focusing on decreasing damage possibilities during delivery of goods by truck.
Example: Crude oil prices have been dropping dramatically in the past two months.
Example: Stock market prices continue to fall for the third day, causing many margin calls to be made to borrowers.
Example: Late-cycle companies are the only ones experiencing increase in sales in current economic conditions.
Example: Innovation and creativity are popular with businesses because they lengthen the product life cycle.
Example: Companies are avoiding using bank facilities for the time being, hoping that they may soon lower interest rates.
Example: After the first round of sanctions against the country, many stock prices plummeted to their lowest price ever.
Example: Lotus has successfully reduced its administrative expenses in the last six months, already showing lower costs than last year.
Example: Speculators believe the prices will rise soon, after they showed a sharp fall in several days.
Example: Lotus is doing its best to shorten the time period between order placement and product delivery.
Example: No one expected the numbers to surge so drastically, leading to new highest records after 10 months.
Business English words for reports can be used to describe the information provided in business reports, give an analysis, or use the information to back up a conclusion. The speaker, depending on the type and nature of the information, can make historical comparisons of each item, compare two or more, or present a holistic analysis using these words.
Task 1
Describe the information in the chart below in 250 words. Based on the information, make predictions on future prices of the stocks as well. (20min)

Task 2
The following link shows Qayen Cement company’s information on Iran stock market. Based on the information in the historical DPS section, describe the company’s reserved profit and dividend history. The length of the writing must not exceed 200 words. (15min)